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This sector is emerging as important growth leverage to state economy and its share to Gross State Domestic Products is also increasing. The economy of Jammu and Kashmir is still agriculture dependent and is the main occupation of majority of the rural people who earn their livelihood from it. Census figures 2011 signify that about 73 % of the population lives in rural areas and are associated with agriculture and allied sectors including livestock rearing as main occupation.

As per Integrated Sample Survey (2011-12), livestock population of Jammu region had demonstrated an increase of 8.40% over the year 2009-10 and reached to 78.908 lakhs from 72.79 lakhs. Kashmir region also witnessed an increase of 4.63% as livestock population had reached to 74.994 lakhs from 71.67 lakhs. However, in Ladakh region livestock population slipped by 1.44% from 6.60 lakhs to 6.505 lakhs during the same period.

Recently the 19th Livestock Census has been completed and the statistics of the census has been published by the Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, GOI, on State Level only, and it is expected that the figures on the District level will be published soon. The salient features of the 19th Livestock Census in respect of the J&K State are as under:-
Highlights/results of 19th Livestock census

  • The total Livestock and Poultry population of J & K State is 17474551 (9200842— Livestock +8273709—Poultry).
  • Total Bovines in the J & K State is 3591865(3445154—Rural +146711—Urban).
  • The J & K state is in the 5th position with regard to Sheep population in the country. The percentage share of total Sheep Population-2012 of J & K is 5.21 against the total population of 650.69 lac in the country (612.88 lac--Indigenous +37.81 lac —Exotic)
  • The J & K State is in the 1st place in respect of the Yak population in the country with the percentage share of 71.03 against total population of 0.77 lac in the country.
  • The J & K State is in the 2nd place with regard to Horses/Ponies and Mules in the country. The percentage share of total of Horses/Ponies of the J & K is 23.13 and 18.59 against the total population of 6.25 lac and 1.96 lac respectively in the country.
  • The J & K state is in the 6th place with regard to Donkeys in the country. The percentage share of J & K in respect of Donkey is 5.41 against the total population of 3.19 lac in the country.
  • The J & K State is in the 17th place with regard to Poultry in the country with the percentage share 1.13 against total population of 7292.10 lac in the country.

Highlights/results of Integrated Sample Survey

  • Population profile
  • Estimated livestock Population of the state, as per the latest available integrated sample survey (2011-12), is 160.407 lakh comprising 31.569 lakh cattle, 39.204 lakh sheep, 7.889 lakh Buffalo, 18.136 lakh goat, 58.311 lakh fowl and 5.298 lakh duck.
  • 49.19% that is 78.908 lakh of the total livestock population is dispersed in Jammu Division consisting of 16.023 lakh Cattle, out of which 5.237 lakh cattle are cross­bred and the remaining 10.786 lakh are of local breed. Similarly other livestock population in this region is 20.812 lakh sheep (14.505 lakh cross + 6.307 lakh local), 7.675 lakh buffaloes, 12.054 lakh goats, 22.315 lakh fowls and 0.029 lakh ducks.
  • Kashmir region shares 47.42% (74.994 lakh) of the total livestock population with 14.582 lakh cattle (11.046 lakh cross + 3.536 lakh local), 16.261 lakh sheep (13.439 lakhs cross +2.882 lakhs local), 0.214 lakhs buffaloes, 3.172 lakhs goats, 35.496 lakhs fowls, 5.269 lakhs ducks.
  • The contribution of Ladakh region depicts that livestock population of these two districts includes 0.964 lakh cattle, 2.131 lakhs sheep, 2.910 lakhs goats and 0.500 lakhs fowls.
  • The livestock population per hundred persons has increased from 131 to 134 during the period from 2009-10 to 2011-12.
  • Milk Production
  • Average milk yield per day per animal during 2011-12 was 5.643 Kgs. for Cross­cows, 2.594 Kgs. for Local-cows, and 4.895 Kgs. for Buffaloes and 0.605 Kg for Goats.
  • During the year 2010-11, the total estimated milk production for the State was 1609.247 thousand MTs. During the year 2011-12, the total estimated milk production for the State was 1614.57 thousand MTs constituting of 982.05 Th MTs (60.83%) of Cross-cow Milk, 237.19 Th MTs (14.69%) of Local-cow Milk, 293.70 Th MTs (18.19%) of Buffalo Milk and 101.62 Th MTs (62.94%) of Goat Milk.
  • Average per capita availability of milk in our state was 370.10 gms per day which is higher than the national average of 356 gm per person per day in the year 2010­-11.
  • Wool Production
  • Average wool yield per annum is 26.218 Kgs for cross-breed sheep and 17.495 Kgs for local-breed sheep.
  • During the year 2011-12 the total wool production estimated for the State was 75.295 lakh Kgs which consisted of 61.586 lakh Kgs (81.79%) from Cross-breed Sheep and 13.709 lakh Kgs (18.20%) of Local-breed Sheep. During the year 2010­-11, the total wool production estimated for the state was 73.819 lakh Kgs .
  • Total availability of wool per person per annum is 629.978 gms for the state as a whole which included 515.278 gms from Cross-breed Sheep and 114.700 gms from Local-breed Sheep.
  • Laying Birds and Egg Production
  • Total Number of Laying Birds (Hens +Ducks) of the State was 36.866 lakhs out of which 84.30% (31.079 lakhs) are of Desi category while as 15.70% (5.787 lakhs) are of improved stock as per ISS estimates for the year 2011-12.
  • Estimated total egg production of the State for the year 2011-12 was 6519.758 lakhs out of which 6122.661 lakhs(93.91%) were laid by Hens and 397.097 lakhs (6.09%)by Ducks and estimated total egg production of the State for the year 2010-11 was 6209.333 lakhs.
  • Total eggs availability per person was worked out to be 55 (number) per year for the State as a whole as per the ISS report 2011-12 against 53 (No.) for 2010-11.
  • Meat Production
  • As per the Integrated Sample Survey Report (ISS), 2011-12, total estimated meat production of State was worked out to be 322.781 lakh Kgs consisting of 80.79% of (260.762 lakh Kgs) Red Meat and 19.21% (62.019 lakh Kgs) of White Meat. As per the latest Integrated Sample Survey Report (ISS), 2010-11, total estimated meat production of State was worked out to be 308.986 lakh Kgs.
  • As per estimated results of ISS survey 2011-12, the meat availability was worked out to be 2.701 Kgs per person per year against 2.650 kgs for 2010-11.
  • Meat production registered a growth from 308.986 lakh Kgs to 322.781 lakh Kgs in the year 2011-12 over the previous year resulting into 4.47% growth.

The department works in multi dimensions by, inter-alia, performing the following activities.
A. Animal care facilities

  • Animal diseases will continue to be a major constraint in livestock productivity and agriculture development, if not taken care of. To maintain and improve its growth towards the economy of the state, health cover facilities are indispensable. To improve the quality of animal health services, the department has established a network of 3849 veterinary institutions.
  • During 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13 & 2013-14 the department availed loan of Rs. 2189.33 lacs till date from NABARD under RIDF, for construction of 79 veterinary institutions   (hospitals/dispensaries) against which around 30 buildings have been completed so far and the emphasis of the department is on completion of remaining buildings during current year 2014-15. During the current financial year (2014-15), the department is in the process of availing loan of around Rs. 7.00 crore from NABARD for taking up the construction of new18 buildings (hospitals/dispensaries) under RIDF-XX which will improve the work culture and quality of veterinary services at the grass root level.
  • Government of India sanctioned 229 buildings (70 hospital and 159 veterinary dispensaries) at a cost of Rs. 28.87 crore under the scheme "Establishment and Strengthening of Veterinary Hospitals and Dispensaries" (ESVHD) with central share of Rs. 21.65 crore (75%) in the last financial year 2012-13. Out of which, 133buildings have been taken-up so for, for construction against the released amount of Rs. 12.49 crore out of which 74 buildings have been completed so far and the remaining buildings are expected to be completed during the current financial year.
  • 71 Mobile Veterinary centers (Animal Husbandry Jammu 26, Animal Husbandry Kashmir 26, Sheep Husbandry Jammu 09 and Sheep Husbandry Kashmir 10) have been sanctioned alongwith creation of 214 posts of various Non- gazetted and Class IV categories. The mobile ambulatory vehicles shall be fitted with GPS, so as to rationalize and monitor the services to be delivered by the mobile centers. The Department is exploring the possibility from were the funds can be arranged to effect the said purchase
  • With an aim to timely reporting of disease outbreak for its effective monitoring, surveillance and ultimate eradication, a Centrally Sponsored Scheme "National Animal Disease Reporting System" (NADRS) has been taken up for implementation. The scheme envisages linking of blocks of districts, with divisions and state with central monitoring unit for prompt reporting/ feedback. So far 158 nods have been established out of which broad band connectivity has been provided to 60 nods. The scheme was launched in the month of January, 2013 and the state will be important constituent of the National Informatics System reporting disease profile and developmental activities as well. The investment in this activity is being supplemented with the assistance under Centrally Sponsored Scheme "ASCAD" State/District Plan and Non Plan.

B. Livestock Production

In livestock production, there is a gap between demand and supply. The quantity of output from the hybrid and new breeds of cows, is much more than the local one and as such the state government is taking steps to increase the quantum of such livestock to meet the domestic demand for the livestock products. The main livestock products are milk, meat, eggs and wool.

C. Dairy Development

  • The average per capita availability of milk has also increased from 112 grams in 1968-69 to 230 grams per day in 2005-06 and about 356 grams per day in 2010-11.
  • The State's milk production in 2002 was 12.40 lakhs metric tons, which increased to 16.14 lakhs metric tons in 2011-12. The per capita milk consumption is 378 grams per day, which is well above the national average of 356 grams per day for 2010-11.

Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, GoI, has approved a project proposal for an amount of Rs. 6,46,68,500/ - (Rupees Six Crore Forty Six Lakh Sixty Eight Thousand Five Hundred only) (including Rs. 602.7385 lakh as Central Share and Rs. 43.9465 lakh as Organization Share), for National Programme for Dairy Development a component of Centrally Sponsored Scheme " National Programme for Bovine Breeding and Dairy Development" and will be implemented in the State during the current financial year 2014-15 by way of upgrading the old machinery of JKMPCL, Milk Plant Cheshamashahi in order to further enhance the capacity from 20 TLPD to 50 TLPD, the plant will procure milk from all the districts of Kashmir Division and marketing activities will be carried out in Srinagar and adjoining districts, the plant shall be capable of receiving and processing Liquid Milk with Cream Processing, White Butter and then subsequent Ghee Manufacturing facilities and the plant shall also be designed to make and pack Curd in pouch and cups. The project envisages to increase the village level dairy cooperative society network from current level of 165 to 300 by the end of project and to upgrade all these societies with latest Fat/SNF testing facilities. The project will be implemented by Jammu & Kashmir Milk Producers' Cooperative ltd. Against approved a project proposal of Rs. 6,46,68,500/- an amount of Rs. 365.27 lacs as Central Share has been released by the Concerned Ministry, Gol, as 1st installment.
The Gol, under the CSS National Livestock Mission (NLM) has conveyed the indicative ceiling of Rs 13.71 Crs against the total projected outlay of Rs 19.42 Crs having Central share of Rs 16.22 and State share of Rs 3.20 Crs.

  • In order to give boost to Milk Production, reduce dependence on imports, a Centrally Sponsored Scheme "National Mission on Protein supplements" a sub­scheme of CSS- RKVY is under implementation. Activities like strengthening of dairy farms, Genetic up gradation of cattle through induction of genetic variability in female germ plasm and establishment of goat units is the prime activities under this mission.
  • During the current financial year under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme "National Mission on Protein supplements" an amount of Rs 370.00 lacs(1st installment) were made available by the Agriculture Production Department out of the approved action plan of Rs. 740.00 lacs for the current financial year.
  • Besides above Agriculture Production department has also provided an amount of Rs. 120.00 lacs as 1stinstallment against approved allocation of Rs. 240.00 lacs under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme : Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana" (RKVY).
  • Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme (DEDS)",a central sector scheme came into operation w.e.f 1stof Sept-2010. This modified scheme has some attractive features such as providing back ended capital subsidy of 25% for General Category and 33.33% for backward categories (especially SC) a unit of two to ten animals with a unit cost of Rs. 3.00 to Rs.5.00 lakhs. The scheme is being implemented by NABARD through Cooperative, Rural and Commercial Banks. 4198 units (816 units in 2010-11, 3417 in 2011-12 , 806 in 2012-13 & 680 in 2012-14 have been sanctioned by NABARD.

D. Genetic Improvement

  • Increase in Livestock can be achieved through optimum use of bulls of high genetic value. It is, therefore, necessary to develop indigenous breeds and introduction of germ plasm of good milch breeds for enhancement of milk production. 1287 frozen semen centers are functioning where Artificial Insemination of local non descriptive cows and buffaloes is carried on. Artificial Insemination, a viable and dependable procedure for upgradation of cattle throughout the world, is being put in use in the State.
  • The Frozen Semen Station, Ranbirbagh has become the 2nd IS0-9001/2008 certified Semen Laboratory in North India, having the privilege of being 1st laboratory in the entire country to have C0DEX-HACCP-2003 certification in addition to IS0 issued by British Standards Institution Group and quality management System IS0-9001 with BSI registration No. CDX-580193 and Sperm Station at Hakkal Jammu has been graded "C" by the Central Monitoring Unit (CMU) of Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Government of India. Steps are being taken to upgrade both the frozen Semen Stations.
  • The Department is engaged in genetic transformation of local non descript cattle population through a cross breeding / upgradation programme with exotic dairy breeds viz:, the Jersey and Holstein Friesian. The genetic upgradation activity of cattle is being carried out by Veterinary Institutions which include Artificial Insemination Centers using Frozen Semen Technology. It is proposed to concentrate on grassroots level on the development of infrastructural facilities at Frozen Semen Centers, by way of undertaking much needed repairs at Veterinary Centers, providing of necessary equipments and proper up-keep of liquid nitrogen (LN2) plants. One LN2 Plant having a capacity of 21 Ltrs per hour for Kashmir Division with a total estimated cost of Rs. 260.00 lakhs has been established during 2011-12 and is functioning. These LN2 plants will help in preservation and carriage of services to far flung areas and give boost to increase in cross bred population which is presently 48%. These programmes are being implemented under "National Project for Cattle and Buffalo Breeding (NPCBB)", a Central Sector Scheme.

E. Poultry Development

  • Poultry production has assumed importance as a major agro-based industry which provides:
  • part-time / whole-time source of earning to the unemployed youth and
  • highly nutritious animal protein in the form of quality poultry meat and eggs.
  • The main objective in this sub-sector is to increase poultry meat and egg production by:-
  • encouraging private enterprises with the requisite technical guidance and
  • Providing fast and specific diagnosis of poultry diseases in order to reduce risk of loss to farmers.
  • The last decade has witnessed tremendous growth in the poultry sector. The poultry farming has come in a big way in Jammu, Kathua , Udhampur, Pulwama and Budgam districts, with large number of educated unemployed youth taking up poultry farming as sustainable means of earning their livelihood.
  • As per the official estimates, the achievements made in the poultry development during last three years are as under:

Achievements in the Poultry Sector










2014-15 (ending Dec., 2013)


Production of day old chicks.

Lac Nos









Breeding birds sold

Lac Nos








  • In order to increase poultry meat and egg production, poultry birds are provided to the rural farmers for backyard rearing. The day old chicks, technical support and health cover to the birds, is provided by the Department. These additional small activities supplement the total income of the farmers. During last year, 6.21lakhs nos. of DOCs were produced and this year the department has produced 5.545 lakhs nos. of DOCs, ending Dec.2014.
  • In pursuance of the Budget announcement 2009, Re. 1/- concession on toll tax for import of DOC, has resulted in import of 300 lakhs nos. DOCs during 2009-10, 353 lakhs in 2010-11, 507 lacs in 2011-12, 513 lacs in 2012-13, 560 lacs in 2013-14 and 450 lac Nos upto ending December, 2015. This has increased a number of private commercial farms and employment of the employed youth of the State.
  • For establishment of mega hatcheries which are essential to narrow the gap between in-house DOCs production and DOCs imported, the department is actively providing basic technical inputs, by way of DPR preparation, consultancy etc, for prospective entrepreneurs, desirous to launch mega hatcheries.
  • The department has very limited role in commercial poultry rearing wherein high technology birds are reared for commercial purpose and the unit holders are registered with department only for the purpose of health care and providing of vaccines on subsidized rates. 4535 units are registered with the Department of Animal Husbandry Jammu / Kashmir (Jammu 1489, Kashmir 3046). The department has established Poultry Marketing Mandi at Satwari. The Mandi has been strengthened to cope up with the volume of trade. Poultry Park at Lesipora (Pulwama) has been established comprising of 32 units, having a rearing capacity of 1.80 lac birds per cycle i.e. 14.40 lac birds per year.
  • Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, sanctioned Rural Backyard Poultry Development scheme in the State of Jammu and Kashmir with a cost of Rs. 778.00 lakhs for 36000 BPL families in a phased manner. Out of this, the Government of India released Rs. 570.45 lakhs for 26450 BPL families in the first phase. The amount is being utilized for providing 45 birds to the poorest of the poor families of the state free of cost and in addition, Rs.750/- will be provided per beneficiary family for cages/ night shelters etc. The said scheme has now been merged/subsumed under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme " National Livestock Mission"

F. Feed and Fodder Development

  • High yielding and nutritious fodder is essential for scientific and economic management of livestock, especially cross bred. The Animal Husbandry Department endeavours to popularize and propagate high yielding fodder crops amongst the farmers on available arable and non-arable land, as it is essential to feed animals as per the established norms with the objective of increasing milk and mutton production. The said scheme has now been merged/subsumed under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme " National Livestock Mission

G. Conservation of Threatened Breeds

  • In line with the national policy, the State continued its efforts to preserve the indigenous breeds, which are on the verge of extinction by propagating proper germ plasm and desired infrastructure under the Centrally Sponsored Schemes. Conservation of threatened breeds has two conservation programmes such as Double Humped Camel and Zanskari Horse, which have already been taken up. During 2010-11, the Department has created corpus fund of Rs. 200.00 lakhs (Rs. 100 lakhs each for Leh and Kargil District) under Annual Plan, in order to sustain the livestock in the farms

H. Livestock Insurance Scheme

  • In J&K State, Centrally Sponsored Scheme, "Livestock Insurance" has been introduced in the year 2006-07 and is presently operational in six districts including the districts covered during pilot run basis and those covered from 2008-09 onwards. Under the scheme 25311 animals have been insured till date.
  • With the collaboration of Shri Amarnath-Ji Shrine Board, 7035, 7455,12828 , 12343 , 13274 and 13500 animals (ponies / horses) have been registered for accidental insurance cover during Shri Amarnath-Ji Yatra for the years 2009,2010,2011 , 2012 , 2013 & 2014 respectively.

Sheep and Goat rearing
The agro-climatic conditions in the state are conducive for wool and mutton production. This is a primary occupation of migratory tribes. The contribution of livestock to the state economy is quite significant and the sheep and goat population constitutes about 56% of the total livestock. The local Kashmiri wool which was primarily used for manufacturing of Namdas and coarse blankets obtained from cross breed sheep; find its way into the market for making of fine quality tweeds, pullovers and blankets etc.
I. Establishment of Sheep Units in the Private Sector.

  • In view of budgetary announcements and the employment package (SKEWPY) announced on 5th December, 2009, the Department has launched Mini Sheep Farm Scheme, (50 ewes + 2 rams), for the educated unemployed youth, having a back ended capital investment subsidy component of Rs. 0.60 lakhs for each unit. 322 Mini-sheep farms have been established since the launch of the scheme ie., in 2010-11 to ending December 2014.
  • Besides, 466 units of sheep and goat 25 ewes /10 does, 38 does + 2 bucks and backyard sheep farming have been established under RKVY on participatory mode to boost up Chevron and goat milk production. from 2009-10 to ending December 2014.
  • Since 2010-11 to Ending December 2013, 376 units have been established / sanctioned under Central Sector Scheme of Integrated Development of Small Ruminants and Rabbits (IDSRR). Under the scheme back ended capital subsidy is provided for the micro enterprises, proposed to be set up under the scheme on the Micro mode for establishment of a unit size of 25 ewes + 1 ram. The back ended capital subsidy component is 33.33% for all categories. The scheme is being implemented by the NABARD through Cooperative Rural, Commercial Banks etc.

J. Import

Import of Poultry products from outside the State


Milk (Qtls)

Eggs (Nos)

Day old chicks (Nos)



5796.00 lakhs

507.00 lakhs



5969.00 Lakhs

513.00 Lakhs




560.00 Lakh

2014-15 (ending Dec. 2013)


5286.00 Lakh


Import of Sheep and Goat from outside the State













2014-15 (ending Dec. 2014)



Rearing Space (Poultry)

Animal Husbandry Kashmir

60000 Sq ft

Animal Husbandry Jammu

92981 Sq ft

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Mr. Amitava Chatterjee
Convenor J&K UTLBC
The Jammu & Kashmir Bank Ltd.
Corporate Headquarters
M.A Road, Srinagar,
Jammu and Kashmir, India
Phone: 0194-2481900,
Fax: 0194-2481902

Mr. Syed Rais Maqbool
General Manager,
UTLBC / Lead Bank Department, J&K Bank
Corporate Headquarters
M.A Road Srinagar,
Jammu and Kashmir, India
Telephone/ Fax: 0194-2502906
Email: srais@jkbmail.com

UTLBC Secretariat/ Lead Bank Department
Corporate Headquarters
M.A Road Srinagar,
Jammu and Kashmir, India
Telephone/ Fax: 0194-2502639
Ext. No/s: 1139. 1140 and 1141
Email: convenorbank@jkbmail.com




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